– Curbside Service For Checking Out Materials & Printing

  1. Curbside Service for checking out materials and printing is available for current physical library cardholders.
  2. This service will be offered during normal library hours.
  3. Reserve your books or other catalog materials over the phone by calling 445-4011 or online at catalog.maryslibrary.com.
  4. Black and white print pickups are available for $.15 per page. Please email the files you want to have printed to info@maryslibrary.com.
  5. When you arrive, pull in to the street parking spaces at the front of the building on Rosina Avenue or walk to the front of the building
  6. Upon arrival, call 445-4011 to let us know you are here to pick up your materials. Please stay in your car on the sidewalk if you are walking. A staff member will bring your materials outside. If you need special assistance, please ask.
  7. Materials that need to be returned should be placed directly in the book drop, which is currently located at the Church Street entrance.